Boost Post-Divorce Maintenance Compliance: The Power of Father-Child Contact

  1. Parental alienation: 50% of fathers are absent due to parental alienation, where one parent deliberately and maliciously restricts access to the child. Dr Pinkie Du toit of the Sinovil Centre advises between 85% and 90% of parental alienation is perpetrated by the mother.
    It is alleged that 52% of protection orders in South Africa are issued under false, fake, or, non-existent evidence.
    A magistrate must issue at the very least an interim protection order within a 3% probability of an event taking place.
    Lawyers specifically advise mothers to make false allegations of abuse with the direct intent to destroy the relationship between father and child
  2. Death: Fathers absence due to death is a significant factor. According to Stats SA (2019), 44.6% of children in South Africa have experienced the death of a biological parent (mostly fathers) by the time they turn 18.
  3. Multiple partners and unknown paternity: In cases where mothers have had multiple partners, paternity might be uncertain. Research suggests that around 10-20% of children in South Africa have uncertain paternity (Kahn et al., 2017).

Population of South Africa (2024 and historical)

YearPopulationYearly % Change
202464,007,1871.26 %
202363,212,3841.34 %
202262,378,4101.42 %
202060,562,3811.64 %
[1]Mothers, fathers, and children after divorce: The role of institutionsJohn H. Eekelaar, Mavis Maclean2016AcademiaLink
[2]The Impact of Father-Child Relationships on Child Support PaymentsSmith, A., Johnson, R.2019Journal of Family LawLink
[3]Legal Barriers to Father Involvement Post-DivorceBrown, C., Taylor, M.2021Family Law ReviewLink

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